Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just sitting and thinking...

Today I decided I need a new blog. I like my old blog very much, and will keep it going. Mom and Dad like to read that one. But I don't really say too much there.

Poor chap probably hasn't ever had a pancake!

But today, I was sitting in the library weeding the biography section, and thinking. Probably a dangerous thing to do, but I did in anyways. I sat and looked through all those books about people's lives, and started to ponder over mine. Just a bit - I don't really go for dredging too deeply into things, especially while at work. I was however, reminded that I haven't been writing very much of substance lately. Since went away, I haven't had any major things to write (though that was sort of forced writing, and working on a deadline wasn't always very fun). I did get to thinking that even though my life doesn't seem to be particularly extraordinary, I do have stories to tell and things to say. So here I am, with a new blog that only a few of you will know about.

I feel safe writing to you, my friends scattered around the world. Even though we've not met in person (yet), I've come to feel a connection and know that no matter what I spout off about here, you'll all read with open minds and open hearts. Hard to find that closer to home sometimes...not to mention having to go look people in the eye every day and wonder if they think you're a whackjob or not.

You already know that I am, so all is well.

I suppose it has to do also with giving up bits of myself, and choosing NOT to give certain bits up to most of the people I see every day. There are just some things I don't want to share with the people I work with. They could probably track this down if they were so inclined, but I think most of them aren't.


I also noticed that the pair of pants I was wearing has a stain on one leg - probably dripped butter on them or something. I'm bummed...of the three pairs of corduroy pants I have, one is wearing out at the knees, and one has a stain. I haven't seen them in the store this year, so will probably have to find some new pants elsewhere. That irritates me.

Well, it's getting late so off to bed for me. G'nite!

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