Thursday, April 15, 2021

Are you kidding me?

Oh for crying out loud!  No sooner did I switch over here and encourage you all to sign up to get notification for new posts in email than Google decides to go and do away with Feedburner, the service that sends you those emails.

Seriously?  Sigh.

The service goes away in June, so I'll work on finding a solution that keeps things easy for you, and keep you posted.

Good grief.

In other news - I took a very bold action this morning.  I subscribed to the Sunday Seattle Times.  It will now be delivered to my house - a real newspaper!  I can't remember when the last time was that I subscribed to an actual paper.  I'm looking forward to enjoying the paper while I drink my coffee.  I'm also amazed that every sentence in this paragraph starts with the letter I!

Today is the first day of a long weekend for me.  It coincides with what is turning out to be warm, sunny weather.  Good for sitting outside reading, making art, and poking around in the garden.

Here's somebody else's nice garden... much neater than mine.  The truck at that house had a Q sticker on it, but not long after the election the sticker disappeared.  Hmmm...

I love walking around the neighborhood this time of year, it's so colorful.  My own garden has been popping with hyacinths, which will require some digging up and moving around once they've died back.  They smell so good!


Did I achieve all that I had hoped today?  Why yes, I most certainly did.  Today was the first day to top 70 degrees, and it was lovely.  I pulled a lot of weeds, read a little bit, sketched a few things in the garden, and later did some watercolor painting.  Other than my allergies which are quite annoying right now it was a pretty good day.

More of the same tomorrow!


David Wahl said...
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David Wahl said...

thought of you when I read about Feedburner.

My buddy Ernie wrote a great article about alternatives.

Ugh! What a pain.

Librarianguish said...

Thank you for sharing that article, I look forward to checking it out. Nothing is perfect I know, but this development had me a bit miffed. I suppose I could just email everyone myself (all ten of you). Heh.
