A few things you may find interesting...
Get out of your geographic music bubble
Are you stuck in a music bubble based on where you live? Analysis of the #1 song where you live vs. your nearby neighbors indicates yes! You probably are. If you listen to pop music that is. I scrolled through and discovered that I'd never heard of any of the songs or performers listed for my area. I'd say I must be getting too old, but I'm sure it's really that I have better taste in music. Explore the maps to learn about the top pop hits around the world. (H/T University of Winds)
Brazilian photographer Vitor Schietti uses fireworks and slow shutter speeds to create his photos of illuminated trees. Also required - perfect lighting (available for only a few minutes at twilight) and a bit of composite work in Photoshop.
Schietti finds his inspiration among the tree-lined streets of his hometown of Brasília as well as in more remote landscapes. The natural background is a perfect canvas for the photographer's abstract creations. “The light becomes a brush, the space around me is the canvas,” he says of Impermanent Sculptures, “the paper on which I write questions, sketch answers, rehearse thoughts, reveal or hide mysteries.” (My Modern Met)
Let's face it - nobody is doing very well these days. We might have a good day here and there but when somebody asks us "how are you?" chances are good we're not okay. We all ask that question out of habit, and maybe now is a good time to work on trying out a few different things. Austin Kleon shares some suggestions he's gathered for alternatives to "how are you?" and for livening up conversation in general.
In the spirit of lively conversation - what's one thing that made you laugh today (or yesterday or the day before)?
I'll go first - yesterday Rowland tried to chase the FedEx truck when we were out on our walk. He's convinced every big delivery truck is the source of treats ever since he made friends with the UPS driver. He pulled me along for a good half block, but the truck had disappeared from sight. Poor fella.
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