Monday, June 24, 2019

Good morning!

Last night I made reservations for another camping trip, to Rasar State Park in August.  We didn't go there last year, so are really looking forward to it.  While the above picture was not taken there, it does look very much like it in spots.  Great trails for walking, and you can get down to the Skagit River.  Very lovely!

The online reservations process is pretty easy, but it seems like they're constantly getting a "new" system.  Last night I selected the site we wanted (only one left for those dates!), and was prompted to create a new account.  I did so, and when I went back to the reservation page and signed in the site I wanted was unavailable - because the non-account me had it in my cart!  Oy.  I had to wait about 20 minutes before the site freed up, and then I was able to properly reserve it.  Usually when I'm shopping online, if I put something in the cart and then log in it's still there.  Oh well.  I used the time to think about where we might stay on a short hotel trip to the Peninsula...

Happy Monday!

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