Saturday, January 9, 2016

Another day, another walk around town

I'm sure liking this so-called winter we're having.  Sure, it's a bit chilly and frosty in the mornings, and some days it barely gets above freezing.  But the clear sunny days!  I'll take it.  I want to take advantage of them as much as possible and get out for walks.

Today I wandered downtown again - it's always nice by the water (though if you do the walk often enough it's a bit dull).  I stopped into a couple of shops in hope of finding some good tea, but no.  I'll just have to make a stop at the Skagit Valley Food Co-op for that.  I'm in search of a couple more caffeine free teas to drink in the evening, instead of wine.

I should mention that I've gone one week without drinking any alcohol.  Woohoo!  I'm feeling better already, and if I keep this up AND walk as much as possible I should be able to fit into those clothes that got a bit squeezy!  It will take a bit of work, however.  But with more days like today, that will make it a lot easier!

Anyhow, here's a few things I saw on the walk today...

Oh dear.  Nothing good could have come from the consumption of this rum in the park gazebo.

Bacardi party in the gazebo

It got better after that though.  The low angle afternoon sun made some great shadows.

Shadow lines

The birds were busy everywhere, but this lot were trying to settle down on the log.  The were noisy as get-out chattering at each other and flying here and there.  But they were trying.

The log is a popular gathering place!

The days are getting longer, but the sun still goes down pretty early.  The ducks were enjoying the golden glow on the water.


What a beautiful day!  And another is expected tomorrow.


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