Last Wednesday Michael got his second vaccination, this time at the Arlington Municipal Airport drive-through site. It was a beautiful day and I would say this is probably the most scenic mass vaccination site one could visit! Hundreds of cars snaked through the older part of the airport, and it seemed like it was going to take forever.
What a view! The Cascades were looking good that day. This is Mount Pilchuck, the 5,324 ft. mountain we can easily see from our area. It can be hard to remember which mountain is which, but this panorama photo from the Everett Herald can help figure out what you're looking at.
The entire week was lovely, with temperatures getting up into the 70s on a few days. Sadly, the rainy, colder, typical spring weather has returned for a while. The rain is good for the gardens though!
We finally made it to the tents where they were jabbing people in the arm, and then it we entered the video game portion of the experience.
So many cones! It was kind of fun to drive through them.
Heck - it was just fun to be out driving! We've barely done anything in over a year, and have probably driven less than 500 miles total with both of our cars combined. Things should pick up soon though. I'm due to get my second shot this Friday.
Yesterday I was feeling a bit blue, no particular reason why (pandemic). I felt like now all I'm doing is WAITING for Friday to get here. I will be so glad when I have my appointment settled, which right now means checking the website every few hours for updates and additional days added for the local sites. It shouldn't be hard to get an appointment close to home - I notice that most of the sites have loads of time slots and they're not filling up as quickly. Once I've got my shot and make through the two week waiting period (more waiting!) we'll be able to start doing more and getting out of the house a bit.
I really want to go to a thrift store, shop at Michael's for some odds & ends that are hard to buy without seeing them in person, and go see some scenery a little further from home! I think we'll head over to Yakima first to see my parents. We're not going to go too wild though - no eating inside restaurants!
For now I'm still wandering the neighborhoods close to home. The trees are blooming and I'm enjoying watching each new variety burst forth. So many gorgeous colors! The lilacs and dogwoods are starting to bloom this week, but the cherries, apples, and plums are still looking good too.
I'm counting down the days until Friday - I hope they go by quickly!