Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014!

Oh hello.

Seems like a good time to dust off this bloggie.  There's only one more day in 2014!  YAY!  It was a good year, really.  After Michael's fake heart attack in January, things really started to turn around.  Actually, the fake heart attack was at the end of 2013, but it set the tone for the beginning of the year.

So many more good things happened in 2014!

We took our trailer out FIVE TIMES!  Other than the really rainy trip to Marblemount (which turned out to be a useful exploratory trip), we had a most excellent time.

Christine took this great photo on our trip to Newhalem.  It was 101 degrees!

I also got a promotion at work.  I'm now the Lead Librarian for Public Computing.  It's a new job, and I'm still working out exactly what that means.  I'm still technically the teen services librarian at my branch, but the "new job" is taking up more and more of my time.  I love it!  It will eventually be full time, but I don't know when.  I can't wait though!  It's fun and challenging and I get to spend time THINKING.

Wacky concept!

Plenty of other good things happened, but I'm ready to move on to 2015.  I'll be turning 50 this year, and I don't see that as any sort of crisis.  Margarita party at my house!  Haha.  I don't want to have to drive anywhere.

One thing about 2014 that bugs me is that I didn't DO a whole lot.  I had a nice garden and we went places, but I spend an awful lot of time plugged into this blasted computer.  So I've decided to do a couple of different things next year.

2015 Reading Challenge - join my Goodreads group to play along!  Not only am I going to do this challenge, I'm going to moderate a group of people who are also reading books for the challenge.  My group is low-key and relaxed, unlike the other group I found doing this challenge.  I've decided that the more rules you have at the get go, the more freaked out people get and the more time you have to spend moderating to coddle and hold hands.  NO THANK YOU

I'm also going to do a YEAR OF MAKING.  Something creative, every day of the year.  It doesn't have to be big, it just has to be.  I've got so much yarn, so many beads, so much STUFF lurking around the house I've got no excuse.

Now that I've resurrected this bloggie, follow along here for my progress!

See you soon!

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