Then it snowed. The first time in almost two years!
Fortunately it was my day off, so I didn't have to worry at all about going in to work. The roads weren't too bad, mostly it was slush. I was glad it snowed, and glad it went away fairly quickly.
We drove past one of my favorite decorations here in town - Santa held captive! He's been strapped to this chimney every year since at least 2007 (when I took this first photo of him).
I'd hate to see what they do to him the rest of the year...
Wow, the 1st is your own photograph?
How much editing?
:-) very very nice!
Regards to Y'all!
No editing other than "sharpening" in iPhoto! I learned a trick a long time ago that when you have low light and spin the camera after you take the picture, you can get these cool circles with the slower shutter speed.
And the colors were just amazing that morning!
I like it even more then!
I am just preferring less editing, so VERY nice!
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