Monday, August 17, 2009


Everybody wanted to know where we were going on vacation, when I mentioned I was excited to have two weeks off.


I'm not going to call it that word that rhymes with vacation and starts with stay - ick. But I am so very glad we aren't taking a long trip somewhere. Sure it would be fun, but there's something to be said for staying home and relaxing for a while.

I have tonnes of things to do here, anyhow!

There is the garden to be worked in, of course. And bike rides to go on, and books to read. I have various crafty projects to work on as well - the first up being a bathroom rug crocheted from old t-shirts. I should have that done tomorrow, so I'll post a picture then. It's looking pretty cool!

Best of all, I get to spend all of my time with Michael. It's always such a bummer to go to work every day. I love my job, but I love my life better...

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