Monday, August 17, 2009


Everybody wanted to know where we were going on vacation, when I mentioned I was excited to have two weeks off.


I'm not going to call it that word that rhymes with vacation and starts with stay - ick. But I am so very glad we aren't taking a long trip somewhere. Sure it would be fun, but there's something to be said for staying home and relaxing for a while.

I have tonnes of things to do here, anyhow!

There is the garden to be worked in, of course. And bike rides to go on, and books to read. I have various crafty projects to work on as well - the first up being a bathroom rug crocheted from old t-shirts. I should have that done tomorrow, so I'll post a picture then. It's looking pretty cool!

Best of all, I get to spend all of my time with Michael. It's always such a bummer to go to work every day. I love my job, but I love my life better...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I see you - or maybe it's you see me. Haven't been around much, haven't been in the mood to blog. It seems like I'm starting to get the bug again though.

This is a good thing.

On the bright side, I've been very busy in the garden, and working. Summer has been a crazy time at the library - summer reading is always a bit insane. I'm very pleased to say that I have only one more work day until VACATION!


I need it. Everybody asks, "where are you going?"


And so glad for it. So glad. Not that it wouldn't be nice to take a trip somewhere, but traveling can be very stressful and tiring. This vacation is for relaxing - working in the gardening, doing some crafty projects, reading... things like that. My family will be visiting for a few days, but that's something to look forward to!

The garden will take up a lot of my time - it has been hugely successful so far. We've been eating veggies for weeks now! Zucchini, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes... such good stuff!

Michael has done an amazing job of keeping up with whatever is harvested. And the dishes he has cooked have been absolutely scrumptious! There will be more interesting things to come well into the fall and winter. Our parsley (with edible roots), parsnips, and turnips are just coming up now. And brussel sprouts. So much good stuff!

Well, bye now!


Mark E. gardens too...

Bowling Ball