When I was a kid, my cat was named Velvet. Very clever, eh? Of course, we ended up just calling her Kitty. Does anybody every realistically call their cat anything but Kitty?

I like Halloween. Can't help it - there's just something about the combination of autumn and a holiday that features skeletons and gravestones. Sure, things are starting to get more and more commercial, just like all the other holidays. Go to any store, and it's full of the same tacky costumes and decorations. But they still hold that appeal. I suppose it has something to do with memories of childhood. Carving pumpkins, going door to door trick-or-treating (begging for sweets, really), dressing up in silly costumes...
Well, it's getting late and I'm just sort of blathering along here. Time to go to bed. The wind was blustery all day, and there's nothing better than getting cozy in bed with the one you love. So go get in bed! I'm getting in bed with the one I love very soon!!!

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