Anyhow, I had to get a few new strings of lights this year, since a lot of my old ones had crapped out. I got a new string of blue icicle lights, which I'll be putting up in the front window tomorrow along with a string of white icicle lights. Those will look great! Today I had to run out and grab a string of white lights to add to the doorway ensemble, as well as some lights to put into the fireplace. I decided to go for red and white, and I dare say it looks lovely!
Don't worry - we don't actually have fires in our fireplace! The lights won't burn up.
I dragged Nolan along with me to K-mart to get the lights today. We also needed aspirin, and they even had my favorite thick socks back in stock. YAY!!! That made me very happy. I'm down to my last two pairs and they're bound to wear out soon. I was afraid I'd never see those socks again.
But those are all good things, and I promised you horrors.
We saw horrors, as we strolled along the back corner candy "gift" section of the store.
Behold the Limited Edition KISS Pez dispenser set...
Are you done beholding?
Better hurry, this was the last one left. Obviously a popular item, and so early in the shopping season!
Certain to be worth several tens of dollars in a few years, as long as you don't open the package.
Could it get any worse than this? Why yes, yes it could.
I have nothing more to say.