Wednesday, May 1, 2013


On Sunday I trekked down to the Holland Happening street fair and carnival.  Christine couldn't make it, but I took one for the team and headed down there by myself.  

The following pictures are just a smattering of the things I saw on this incredibly thrilling journey.  I took a lot more - of the dodgy rides, for instance, but haven't gone through them all yet.  It's my late night for working.

But lo, witness the glory that is the Holland Happening street fair.  It will knock your socks off [LIAR!] First, pretty flowers so you can center your mental energies and prepare yourself.   OHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMM

It's tulip time!

Okay.  Sit down and hang on.

The grimace of the disappointed.  They just wanted to see some nice handcrafted wares by local artisans.  Instead, they were treated to an onslaught of imported crap.

"I was really hoping to see more handcrafted wares"

And here is that imported crap - at least five booths selling essentially the same stuff.  The shoulder bags caught my eye, and one booth did have a nice leather and wool getup that I really liked, but my tax return check had not arrived yet and I was feeling very thrifty.  Perhaps they'll be back on the 4th of July.  I'll start saving my quarters.

These bags ranged in price from $16.99 - $20, varying by booth

And here's another one!

Nothing quite says "HOLLAND" like Bob Marley shoulder bags...

Nothing quite says "Holland" like imported Bob Marley stoner bags.  Did I mention this is the annual festival celebrating the Dutch heritage of our community?  There was one Dutch bakery booth, so I guess that counts.

Forgive my cynicism.  It can't be helped.

I also saw some dogs, who probably shouldn't have been there.  I think it's really cruel to bring dogs to these sorts of events.  Too many food smells, too many people, and too many other dogs!  Needless to say, Syd stayed home.  It was even too overwhelming for him to walk through the street fair on setup night, before all of the action.  TOO MUCH!  He also had to charge a black garbage bag at the edge of the carnival on Monday evening, when they were taking everything down.  EVIL garbage bag!

Why, why did they bring me here?


But the best thing I saw, the crowning glory as it were, was the DREADLOCK BANANA.  I saw a DREADLOCK BANANA before this news story hit the wires.  I knew the banana when it was just another carnival prize.  Before it hit the big time.

Hey, did you hear about that schmuck that lost $2600 at a carnival and only ended up with one of these dreadlock bananas?

That's right.  Get lost haters.  I knew DREADLOCK BANANA before DREADLOCK BANANA was cool.